Purchase In Advance

Daily attendance levels have been reduced to provide you with the best experience. Purchase tickets, lessons, and rentals in advance to reserve your spot on the mountain.

Tickets, lessons and rentals cannot be purchased at the resort.

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Mask Up

Face coverings are required at the resort especially in areas of close contact such as indoors, in lines, and on the lifts.


Snowcial Distancing

Practice snowcial distancing by standing at least six feet away from others not traveling with you.

Learn more

Live Together. Ride Together.

Stick together to slow the spread. Ride chairlifts, wait in lines, and generally move around the resort with those in your group.


Be Wise. Sanitize.

Wash your hands and use hand sanitizer frequently. Hand sanitizers are placed at key guest and employee entrances and contact areas such as restrooms, reception areas, and rental departments.